Website terms of use


From the moment you access or contact us through the website, you agree and accept all of the terms and clauses below. If you disagree, do not continue browsing.

When browsing the MGA website you declare that you have the civil capacity to use it, as well as guarantee that you have read, understood and accepted this document in its entirety.
When you access our website, you declare that you are solely and exclusively responsible, including civilly and criminally, for requesting correction and accuracy of the information provided in your registration. Please know that, when necessary, we can verify the information provided.


What can't you do?

⦁ any form of advertising or marketing associating your image with MGA and/or products and services sold;

⦁ transmit, disseminate or make available information:
– that, in any way, contradicts, disregards or violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally, in international treaties and in the legal system;
– that induce, incite or promote illegal, defamatory, slanderous, violent acts or acts contrary to law and public order;
– that induce, incite or promote discriminatory acts, attitudes or ideas because of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition;
– that incorporate, make available or allow access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are illegal, violent, pornographic, degrading or, in general, contrary to law or public order;
– that induce or encourage people to engage in dangerous, risky or harmful practices to health or psychological balance, such as condoning crime, drug use, consumption of alcoholic beverages or smoking products, physical or moral violence;
– that are false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or untimely, in a way that could mislead about their object or about the intentions or purposes of the MGA;
– that are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to MGA or linked third parties, without having previously obtained the necessary authorization for the use made or intended to be made;
– that incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment (“hardware” and “software”) of MGA or third parties, including through trojans, malware, worm, bot, backdoor, spyware, rootkit, or any other devices that may be created or that may cause damage to electronic documents and files stored on this computer equipment;

⦁ reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the prior authorization of the corresponding rights or are legally permitted;

⦁ delete, manipulate or in any way alter the “copyright”, other information and identification data of MGA or the Holders linked to it;

⦁ obtain, or attempt to obtain content, information or personal data through illicit means;

⦁ obtain data and information for advertising purposes and/or send advertising of any kind for sales purposes or other purposes of a commercial nature without prior and express request and authorization;

⦁ send chains of unsolicited or previously consented electronic messages;

⦁ use distribution lists that can be accessed through the website; and

⦁ make available to third parties, for any purpose, data collected from the website;

⦁ alter, copy or create derivative works based on the website;

⦁ perform reverse engineering; and/or

⦁ access the website in order to (i) build competitive software or services or (ii) copy any ideas, elements, features, functions and/or graphics from the website.

If MGA detects any inappropriate or suspicious conduct, it may, at any time and on its own initiative, regardless of prior notice: block, cancel or limit your access, reserving the right to resort to administrative, extrajudicial and judicial measures that deem appropriate.
The use of images or the MGA brand will be considered a violation of these terms.


⦁ keep your registration up to date: provide complete and accurate information;
⦁ keep your registration safe: take the necessary precautions so that your information and data are not accessed by anyone other than YOU.
⦁ keep your password and credentials safe: if, eventually, you register a login or password to access the MGA website, YOU assume full responsibility for the safekeeping, confidentiality and good use of the credentials, exempting MGA from any responsibility.

⦁ Sending information or managing navigation is your sole responsibility.
⦁ Any damage resulting from the incorrect use of our website and these Terms of Use are your full and exclusive responsibility.
⦁ You are fully responsible for the integrity and authenticity of all information sent to our database, exempting MGA from any responsibility for misuse of the website, as well as for any infringement of copyright or related rights resulting from improper use of information or data, yours or those of third parties.
⦁ Notify MGA immediately if you suspect or know of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security, so that any necessary measures can be taken.

MGA makes all necessary efforts to guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data processed, making them available only in circumstances that satisfy its legitimate expectations and in those explicitly provided for in these Terms of Use, in the Privacy Notice and in the contracts that govern the personal data processing activities carried out by MGA. Discover our Privacy Notice – link
MGA undertakes to keep its website active for 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, every day of the week, except:
⦁ in cases of updates, suspensions, interruptions or removals of the website; and/or
⦁ in any case of unavailability caused by acts of God or force majeure, government actions, floods, fires, earthquakes, civil conflicts, acts of terrorism, strikes or labor problems, failures or delays of the Internet service provider.
MGA reserves the right to interrupt access to the website, in cases of violation, in whole or in part, of these Terms of Use.
MGA is not responsible for any unavailability, errors arising from instabilities or inconsistencies in data transmission caused due to the quality of the internet connection or failures in its availability that prevent adequate access.
MGA reserves the right to send communications and advertising messages, at its sole discretion, using all types of technologies and means of communication available, whether by email, SMS, MMS, direct mail or others.
The shipping cancellation process is linked to the user's email. Therefore, users who have more than one registered email address may continue to receive communications or advertising messages via the email address that has not been unsubscribed.

MGA will not be responsible:

⦁ for ensuring that YOU are the logged-in person using the MGA website;
⦁ for any direct, indirect, accidental, exceptional damage or resulting from inability to use our services, or for the cost of acquiring different, substitute or complementary services to what was contracted;
⦁ by harmful elements capable of altering software and hardware systems or stored data;
⦁ for any act or omission carried out and/or damage caused by YOU on the website;
⦁ by YOU sharing the password registered on the website with third parties, and it is your responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of your information;
⦁ for data and/or information incorrectly provided by YOU when registering for use on the website;
⦁ by installing viruses, trojans, malware, worms, bots, backdoors, spyware, rootkits on your or third party's equipment, or any other devices that may be created as a result of your Internet browsing; and/or
⦁ for the payment of costs or damages, including direct, indirect, specific, accidental or consequential damages, resulting from the impossibility of accessing or using the website or any of its functions, including for the purpose of consulting or downloading information, data , texts, images or other materials accessible through the website.

All and any intellectual and industrial rights (names, patents, logos, brands, technologies, programs, procedures, know-how and/or any other tangible or intangible assets of exclusive ownership) belong to MGA of MGA) about the website, including, but not limited to:
⦁ Any and all tools or functionality employed by MGA to maintain and improve the functioning of the website;
⦁ Visual identity, elements, structure, architecture and layout of the website; and
⦁ Any and all content created and produced exclusively by MGA, by itself or by third parties linked to it.

Nothing contained on the Site should be understood as granting any license or right to use any trademark without the prior written permission of MGA. The textual content presented on the website is the property of its respective author and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without his express written permission.

Access to these Terms will always be possible.
These Terms are constantly evolving and may be changed at any time without notice or notice. Therefore, it is essential that you visit this page from time to time to check for any changes.

We have no interest in generating conflicts or disagreements with you. However, if necessary, any controversy in the interpretation, fulfillment or execution of these Terms of Use, you are aware of and agree to the election of the jurisdiction of the District of Araraquara/SP, so that you have jurisdiction over any dispute.

Doubts? Talk to our team.
Make your requests, suggestions and requests via email:

The largest supplier of agricultural pumps

of the National Market

Contact Us

Blank Form (#3)


Av. Brandina Saavedra Campani, 187
3rd Dist. Industrial Araraquara
CEP: 14806-613


(16) 99335-7969
(16) 3324-8207
