Environmental responsibility

In search of sustainable practices

MGA has adopted some precautions to preserve the environment and contribute to a greener future. On our journey towards environmental responsibility, we have adopted several measures that reflect our commitment to sustainability.

Water Reuse
We invested in advanced technologies to reuse water in our facilities. We significantly reduced our water consumption, minimizing environmental impact and promoting the conservation of natural resources.

Photovoltaic System
Committed to clean energy, we operate with a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system. By harnessing solar energy, we reduce our carbon footprint, contributing to the transition to renewable energy sources.

Sustainable and Biodegradable Packaging
We take care of the life cycle of our products from conception to disposal. Our packaging is designed with sustainable and biodegradable materials, minimizing environmental impact and promoting the circular economy.

Selective Collection and Waste Management
We have implemented a comprehensive selective collection and waste management system. Separating, recycling and reusing are fundamental principles in our commitment to reducing waste and contributing to the preservation of healthy ecosystems.

By embracing these practices, we reaffirm our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Every action counts, and we believe

that together we can shape

a more sustainable future

for future generations.

Contact Us

Blank Form (#3)


Av. Brandina Saavedra Campani, 187
3rd Dist. Industrial Araraquara
CEP: 14806-613


(16) 99335-7969
(16) 3324-8207
